Is Build Wealth Pro
right for you?

I really appreciate how BWP presents complex concepts in an understandable, usable, step-by-step format. I can learn and do just a little at a time, perfect for my busy life. I also appreciate that this information is conveyed by a real person who started with a five-figure income, so his instructions and steps are based on real-life experience and could apply to my family too. I feel inspired and hopeful that with the help of BWP, my family can start to transform our financial life from unfocused to healthy and growing.

New Grad?

Embarking upon your new post-grad journey is an exciting time. When you start to pull in a steady income that surpasses your prior level, you’ll want to get that money working for you. This is a great time to begin your Build Wealth Pro climb. In fact, BWP was created when its founder began earning decent post-grad level money, after coming from modest means and thus saddled in student loans debt.
This is the tool I have been looking for to help me take ownership of my finances in the same way that I have taken ownership of most other areas of my life.
I just needed a guide.
Associate Director,
University Counseling Center

New Job?

Congrats! What a great time to get financially fit as you start your new opportunity. BWP distills the complex science of Wall Street Corporate Finance down to useful bits for your personal finance situation. Following the BWP method while thriving at a new job makes perfect sense.

Valuable info, like 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' but more actionable.

Newly Wed? Engaged?

We can help!  No, we won’t plan your wedding or conduct the ceremony! But getting married is a major milestone.  It’s a great time to assess financial goals as a team.  The BWP framework comes in handy to tackle the issues of combined incomes and expenses…and how to harvest household profit to grow short and long-term wealth.

Quite engaging and kept me wanting to find out more.
Life Transformation Coach

New Arrival?

Expecting a child is a wonderful but often scary time. Safety comes to mind in all things. BWP relies on solid, proven, time-tested classics…not the trendy, flavor-of-the-month, sexy fads in finance that come and go.

So valuable after grad school to help me manage my student loan debt strategically and grow my money as a new adjunct professor. The beauty of BWP is that it is useful at any stage of professional and personal development. Very user-friendly, like talking to a good friend—easy, humorous, reassuring. Made me feel like even a non-finance person such as myself could master finance!

Growing Fam?

That’s great! But adding to your family can add significant expenses too. BWP is particularly relevant at this time … as it is holistic. It provides a balanced, comprehensive approach that incorporates all aspects of a household finance picture. It addresses expenses as much as investing and shows how using BWP maneuvers for both sides can amplify your wealth-building.

A good job of talking to the reader through the text, as an actual person, presenting the material in a user friendly step by step approach.

Still not sure?
Take the Wealthy Selfie here!

A brief self-assessment to see if the Build Wealth Pro method is right for you:

    Yes No
    1. Do you make a decent living but feel tight, strapped, and/or limited financially?
    1. Are you educated and intelligent but never learned Finance and/or how it can improve your life?
    1. Are you willing to spend a bit of time to learn about personal finance, but you do not have the time to attend an all-day course or an all-weekend “boot camp”?
    1. Do you want a process that incorporates all aspects of your finances and not just hot stocks?
    1. Since graduation, are you now making good money, but want to know how to make your cash work for you?
    1. Are you getting married or recently married or adding to your family?
    1. Would you prefer your first or next investment to be considered a reliable, time-tested, classic solution … or not?
    1. Are you uncomfortable giving a portion of your earnings to somebody else to invest for you?

    If you answered YES to one or more, then Build Wealth Pro can guide you to master your finances, get financially fit, and safely build significant wealth!